

Quotable boys

~Can't remember if I shared this one yet or not: A stole something from the store yesterday... so I get to go with him to return it later today. When I told him he was in trouble, he asked, "You're not going to call the police are you??" And before I could say anything, E looks forlornly at him and says, "Yeah, she is."

~October 29th, 2013
Our littlest boy hasn't been on here yet. And he's pretty cute. So he get's a spot. A.M is still drinking out of a bottle. He's 13-months-old and still attached to the things. I went into the kitchen to give him some milk since he was all sorts of annoyed at me. When I gave him his bottle, he grabbed it, and walked out the the kitchen, laughing triumphantly like some evil little elf that had just pulled one over on someone. :)

~October 2013
E rubbed toothpaste all over my just cleaned bathroom counter tonight. We'll forget right now that this means most of his teeth did not get cleaned, because all of the toothpaste was on my counter. I was pretty ticked and feeling fairly justified in my anger since he does this ALL the time. I snapped at him to clean it up and to not rub toothpaste all over my house! (yes I have found it rubbed on my walls before.) He yells back at me: This is not your house! Everything belongs to Jesus!

~August 2013
Papa K and my cute oldest boy, A and cute middle son E went shopping while he was watching them for us. Each got to push their own little shopping cart. A was the only one with something in his cart, milk. Both boys, being my kids of course, were running all over the grocery story. So Papa asked them to slow down. A says to Papa, "I know, if I go too fast, I'll turn the milk to butter."

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

What we Women do to Ourselves to Bring Little People to this Earth

Some fun facts about what your body does AFTER you've given birth. For some reason, I usually only remember a few of these things. And any first time pregnant Mom out there... these are just things I have gone through. Your experience might be altogether different.

  • You may have just given birth, but you'll probably leave the hospital looking like you're still at least 4-5 months pregnant. Those poor muscles just don't like to go back as quick after baby #3 or 2.
  • I had an episiotomy, so sitting on my butt.... did not feel so great. And honestly, being stuck in a bed due to sheer exhaustion doesn't help the toosh toosh either.
  • Not only will you give birth and bleed then, you'll also have to endure the worlds longest period after your little angel is born. My record? I think like 2 weeks...
  • If you have other children, they just might annoy the crud out of you. Maybe it's some carnal instinct to care for your newest addition and having other kids making demands on you is just not kosher in your crazy post partum brain.
  • You will wake up, just to make sure your baby is still breathing. And it won't be a gentle awakening. It'll be a panicked one.
  • If you're nursing, it's going to start to hurt after the first day. And it won't stop hurting for a while. Ask for some Lansinoh! 
  • Also related to nursing, you'll probably go from an A to a C by just being pregnant, and then once your milk comes in and you're engorged- you'll jump to a DD until things start to level out, then you'll be like a D.
  • And when your milk lets down, it'll do it when it wants to. So buy some breast pads to save yourself some grief. 
  • Nursing bras suck. I'm thinking of buying a front snap sports bra--seriously! Maybe some of these are worth looking into:
  • Wearing normal clothes sounds daunting, you'll most likely end up in PJs or maternity clothes for the first few weeks after baby.
  • You won't have the energy or desire to try too hard to make yourself look less like a zombie and more like a normal human. Unless of course you're forced to go outside for extended periods of time or you're having lots of visitors.
  • Sleep when the baby sleeps. For real! SLEEP when they sleep!! Because at night, if your cute new addition is like mine, will sleep longer when they're on your chest, but you can't really do that ALL night. Apparently it's not safe or something like that. *shrug* SO.... this means they'll wake up every hour wanting food or your attention.
  • Diaper rash.... is not exclusively for babies. Just sayin'
  • Your bladder is going to struggle for power over your urge to pee. Luckily after time, this will become less of a problem. But for now.... just be sure you're wearing a pad, which you probably already are since you're on a marathon period at the moment.
  • Constipation. It's a real problem. Take the dang colace the nurse wants to shove down your throat! You'll be thanking her later!

Am I missing anything mom's? I'm sure I am. Like I said, you might experience something completely different. Just remind yourself- which shouldn't be hard- that you have a new beautiful baby to make up for all this crap you're going through.

1 comment:

  1. Diaper rash... yay... haha, love the advice, and those bras look so comfy!
